Iron Matters. Iron deficiency treatment awareness
Many Kiwis have unexplained tiredness, and often it turns out the cause is low iron, or worse, iron deficiency anaemia. However, whilst oral iron supplementation is first-line treatment for iron deficiency, it can take months to restore iron and may not even be very effective. Added to that, standard iron tablets often come with unwanted side effects.
Ferinject is an infusion that starts to make a difference to iron levels (and energy) within the first few days and weeks after administration. It may be a faster and more effective way to restore iron, but getting people (and HCPs) to consider an infusion would be a massive paradigm shift in thinking.
The Iron Matters awareness campaign lead with an engaging video - visually showing how people with low iron feel, featuring a mum who had literally become a shadow of herself.
Ensuring people get the correct tests for the right diagnosis, was as important as the creative engagement. The campaign pointed viewers to the Iron Matters website, which included a fatigue test and directions for how to talk to their GP. We even provided help finding a doctor or specialist infusion service in their area.
BRAND: Ferinject
CLIENT: Aspen Pharmaceuticals
Digital Video, Digital Display Ads, Website.
NZ Doctor & Pharmacy Today Print, Sales Resources.